Friday, January 19, 2007

So what exactly does "sell out" look like?

When Guns N' Roses traded in their tight, painted on leather pants, smashed guitars, and their, "fuck you" persona for a back pack full of scuba gear, they turned from awesome to "has beens" over night. Thanks to Nirvana, they were desperately trying to regain lost fans by showing off their sensitive sides. They filmed what would later be called, their last music video with Axil Rose swimming in a sea of Dolphins. The video was so lame that Guns N' Roses fell apart leaving Axil to deteriorate, go crazy with plastic surgery, and eventually end up looking like Carrot Top's identical twin.

In the same light, Sweat Shop male whore, Isaac Mizrahi, used to be what Versace is today. And then he spit in the fashion industry's face by selling out to Target. Haute Couture is supposed to be unaffordable. Anyone that knows anything about fashion knows that true fashionable people, people that totally understand fabrics, and colors, the basic beauty and art, and the overall physiology fashion holds over a person and a society is extremely intelligent. Isaaac did the unforgivable by selling away his soul. And Target took that cheap soul, auctioned if off to Liz Claiborne, and now Liz will be carrying the cheap ass's flimsy, sweat shop designs. Next Stop for him is Sears, I am sure.

But the worst sell out of them all is one that takes me by surprise. I never saw it coming until a couple months before. It makes sense why they would sell out really- none of them had anything else going for them. But isn't it better to leave a party with people wanting more ? Who ever wants to be the very last to leave a party?

Carrie Bradshaw, that's who. This poster is pathetic. It's not pretty at all. Not one bit. Why couldn't they do something more like these 3?

These are gorgeous! HBO is trying to tell me they couldn't come up with anything better than the poster that have right now? Maybe that should have been the first clue that the movie is nothing but a sell out. It's past it's time. But no, at the end of the day, for most people, the big paycheck wins out. Sad. I never thought anything bad could happen to Sex. Tonight, I'm sadly, sadly mistaken.