Wednesday, January 17, 2007

I said goodbye to Sylvia... so why am I still pulling the all nighters?

I just have so much energy right now! Photography 9 am is so going to hurt tomorrow. Ty, Chrissie, and myself went to this advertising round table this evening. It was so motivating. They had some highly Sr. level executives in the room talking about the industry and what Atlanta needs to do to step up it's game. They also kept talking about PC and Creative Circus and how kick ass we are. The guest speakers were indulging the entire room with gold advice, like, " you need to really invest time checking out these PC and CC kids- they are the most talented and we need to keep them here in Atlanta." Damn right they do! How awesome is that? I just want to start! I'm itching to get out there and bust my ass! 70 hour work weeks? Piece of cake. Hello? I took Sylvia.

Tonight, I am sitting across from Ty and I started thinking. I really love him. He's so awesome. I'm talking about old school Madonna, black Michael, Sex and the City awesome. I am so much better because of him and I wonder how in the world we ever lived apart. Crazy how one person can do that to you in such a small amount of time.

Off to steal music!