Sunday, January 28, 2007

Departed, one very strange evening, and one annoying rental car

I was dragged to "Departed" on Saturday night. I was so not interested in seeing this movie (i secretly thought it was the other Leo movie) but I absolutely loved it! It has everything a movie should have- the Mafia, good fighting scenes, one hot romantic love scene, and one very cool Jack. Jack Nickelson is not an attractive man to say the least. His face is so wrinkled and he has put on a ton of weight. But my God if that man is not the coolest person living on the planet! The entire movie he acts and looks such a slob- I tried to hate him but I couldn't help but root for him. I am also a HUGE hater of Leo. To this day I have never seen Titanic because I can not stand Leo. But he was awesome in this. If he doesn't get the Oscar then I will be convince "the academy" is made up of a bunch of stupid fools. See the movie- extremely well written, shocking ending, and one very cool Jack.

Jeremy Piven was in town Thursday night. I am so pissed because he ate at my new fav restaurant- Trois. My best friend and I almost went there for drinks. As my luck would have it, we decided not to go out. I have a huge crush on Ari and would have expected Jeremy to act just like his entourage character. I imagine if I saw him at the bar I would make sure he would talk to me, but then try to play hard to get. We(as in my best friend and I) are pretty good friends with the bartenders so I am sure they would have helped out the situation. Someone in the restaurant passed by and yelled, "hug it out,bitch!" My favorite line from that show is, " First let me start off by saying, fuck you." I hear his voice in my head right now- so funny.

Friday night I went out with the girls. We headed into the Highlands and ran into some of our boys, Ben, Ben's roommate, Joe. One of my other new guy friends came out as well- "Trent." Why must boys use pick up lines? I'm not saying, I'm just saying. Do pickup lines actually work on some girls? I fell for a pickup line once. It was my sophomore year in high school and I was dating a very cute quarter back. We are outside and Justin says, "Wow, look how much it snowed. If I weren't dating you I would have thought there could be nothing more beautiful." Even writing the line makes me want to gag! I was 15, I didn't know any better. He said it in hopes we would make out. Why cant people just say what they mean and mean what they say?

Friday was fun/interesting getting to know Trent some more. Trent is very good looking- not hot, but cute. I kinda got the feeling that although he's into me, hes just wanting to one thing. I know all guys want sex- some guys just want sex without everything else. Not that I'm totally out for everything else- I'm just saying. Trent kept buying me shots- so naturally I gave them all to one of Ben's very tall friends. The friend would see them again before the evening was over- they landed nicely inside of Becca's car. Word to the wise- never drive fast over speed bumps when passengers are nearly passed out.

I saw Joe twice that evening. The first time I saw him for a minute. The second time I saw him for just a minute...but we shared a nice moment- a flash back from the second quarter's party earlier this year. So adorable. I tried to tell him all these funny pickup lines that were being fed to me, but then Trent barged into the conversation. I ran to the ladies room and when I came out, Joe had suddenly left. Sad

Chrisse told Ben we were trying to avoid PC people. Harsh...and random. But Ben seemed to laugh it off. After a couple of drinks, everyone was laughing and enjoying everyone's company. We (and by "we" I mean Joe, Becca, Ben, Jimmy, Ty, Becca's BF, and Chrisse) all agreed to go down to Savannah for St. Patrick's day. Everyone was drinking when they agreed to go- so Ill don't know if it will actually happen. But I really hope it does. It'll be a very scandalous weekend- but anything exciting usually is.
Today I had to hand over my brand new Honda to the body shop (due to the stupid Canadian and his large semi that damage the bumper). This rail looking blond girl from Enterprise picks me up in a white pickup truck. She brings me back to the lot so I can fill out a couple of papers. I tell her in a very clear voice, "If it is not too much trouble I would like to have the smallest car on the lot." The bitch looks up from her computer and gives me one of those fake laughs and smiles. She then picks up the keys to the truck and says, "yea, this is all we have on the lot for you right now." What the hell? I have never driven anything bigger than a Honda and now I am getting forced to drive in this cowboy machine thing? First of all, I know it's superficial, but I hate pickup trucks. I hate them! I think of good old boys, and tobacco chewing thugs, and Marlboro reds when I think of pickup trucks. There is nothing feminine at all about pickup trucks. Even all that aside, I have never driven anything smaller than my Honda and they expect me to drive a truck? My friend Courtney asked me to drive her SUV after clubbing one night. She drank half a dozen Jim Beans and Diets and apparently lost sight that it was me who would be driving her car. I totally took up 2 lanes and almost took out a street lamp attempting to get us home. Me driving the pickup truck was not going to happen. Naturally, they put me in the next loudest and ugliest car on the lot- a hot fire red Pontiac Grand Dam. My head barely sees over the dashboard and there is so much polyester inside the car that I feel like it's 1975 all over again!

Off to bed for 4 hours
I really hate Mondays


"All of us get lost in the darkness, dreamers learn to steer by the stars" Bob Dylan