Monday, January 22, 2007

Not much to say...

I just felt like writing. The weekend was uneventful- but it's nice to have those once in a while. I got sick on Saturday so I ended up not going to a PC party. I hate it when that happens- I always feel left out, like I am going to miss something so funny and then I'll always be on the out looking inside.

I wanted to go because there are a couple of people I was hoping to get to know a little bit better. The groups have kinda been splitting apart and I have enjoyed mingling with the upper quarter peeps. There is one new group in particular that I am beginning to get to know more. Makes me feel like I belong more to PC. Last quarter I really did not feel like I fit in at all. There is one boy in my quarter that I have developed a crush on and I was hoping i would see him on Saturday. Oh well- there's always Thursday to look forward to.

What about that Patriots/Colts game tonight?!!? Awesome! That was such a great, great game! If only they could all be that exciting. Way to go, Manning! I personally am sick of Brady getting all the attention. Nice to see someone else finally take him down. I thought it was so sweet that with 5 minutes left on the clock, the camera got a shot of Manning praying.

Tonight I went to Wolf Gang Puck's for dinner. As I am waiting for my dinner to arrive, a young and good looking couple sat down on my right. I looked over and watched the couple hold hands, lower their head, and pray together. I started tearing up. I don't why- just out of nowhere I began to feel hot tears roll down my cheek. I hate how sensitive I am- makes me feel like a punk bitch.

So great news! Rudy is running! I love that man! I hope Hillary is getting scared. She is in for a very tough race. Other great news, they have come up with advanced technology that allows intense sonogram images. These images are amazing! I am watching the images on Fox right now. You can see the whole child's distant face characteristics and witness what the child is doing in the womb. Gives a whole new outlook on abortions and prolife if this sonogram becomes more advanced.

Off to bed for a wonderful 4 hours of sleep.

I hate Mondays


"All of us get lost in the darkness, dreamers learn to steer by the stars" Bob Dylan