Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Tonight, Tonight - The Smashing Pumpkins

Guess who is getting back together? I love Billy Corgan and think he is one of the most creative and gifted artists ever. Their new album will debut this spring. Now if only Axel and Slash can make up...


I have been watching Fox's House since the first night it aired. I usually dislike those doctor/medical shows, however there is something so charismatic about Hugh Laurie. He has been in the shadows for the last couple of year but now, out of nowhere, he has been winning everything from an outstanding performance Golden Globe award to to the outstanding performance Screen Actors Guild Award. House is now become a serialized medical drama breakout hit Fox this season!
House has climbed its way to the top of Fox's non-reality programming this year, becoming the network's biggest scripted show, averaging almost 18 million viewers a week.
Now, the hit show is following the behemoth that is American Idol on Tuesday nights and both shows are enjoying the limelight!
The New York Times just wrote
this great profile on how House is TV's hot new medical show, despite being around for several seasons.

Monday, January 29, 2007

Sex and the City- How to save a life

My ultimate weakness!

a walk down UGA lane

this pic is about 2 years old- i hate those faded jeans!
It was my junior year in college. I had just transferred to UGA. I couldn't wait to get out of Atlanta after high school- couldn't wait to meet new friends, to live somewhere new, to explore new places without being so close to my parents. I was dying to break out of my catholic skin and aching to stir up trouble. After a very expensive year in Rome I came home to find a crisp, white paper announcing Notre Dame's decision to increase tuition 8%. I was forced to make a choice, a choice that no person under the age of 25 should have to make. Do I take out student loans or do I take the Hope scholarship?Leaving Notre Dame was not an easy decision. People fight to get into that school every year- and I was leaving, throwing in the towel. To my friends, it was as if I was spitting in their face. So naturally, they stopped talking to me. Sounds ridiculous, I know. But anyone who has seen the Fighting Irish play football even for one quarter know how serious the Irish take everything in the little town of South Bend.

I chose to live in the most expensive apartments in Athens-the Reserve. They cost me roughly 325.00 a month and it was well worth it. My room and balcony looked out to the pool with a huge waterfall. Behind the pool area was beautiful sand holding a 7ft volleyball net up. The whole scene reminded me of a scene from a Budweiser commercial. All the UGA boys would come over, smelling of coconut with their half naked bodies drenched in oil. They would play extremely competitive vball all the while showing off their muscles, as if they were reenacting a scene from Top Gun. UGA women laid around the pool in skimpy bikinis drinking a mixture from martinis to Coronas. No one actually swam in the pool, just tanned and drank by it.The whole scene made me a little intimidated. I'm shy to begin with and have a hard time making friends with girls. Guys I have no problems with. Girls is an entirely different ball game. So I sat on my balcony and waited until I thought no one was down there. I, unlike the pretentious sorority princesses, actually enjoy swimming. Well, I actually don't swim, kinda splash around a bit. When I was quite sure no one was around, I snuck down and sat under the waterfall. Out of no where, this blond Jessica Simpson look alike holding a 6 pack of Amstel walked in and started up conversation. She explained how she just broken up with her boyfriend of 5 yeads and quit her bartender job at the Pink Pony. We sat by the pool drinking my beer of choice and I introduced her to the nasty but ever so cool world of Marlbro. She didn’t smoke at the time, a habit I introduced her to.

The 2 years we spent together flew amazingly by. We use to go out all night, 4 nights a week. We would come home only to watch "Skinamax" at 3AM. We watched Sex and the City every Sunday night, drinking cosmos for dinner. For spring break, she bought my plane ticket to Cancun because I couldn't afford to go otherwise. She also helped pay for the hotel room. I thought I was good at meeting guys- I realized she was even better. She probably would pick up at least 5 new guys every night. I met all of UGA because of her! We threw a Christmas party one year. Kim thought it would be a great idea if she made business cards explaing the party and pass them out in the bars. So, right before Thanksgiving break, we passed out these computer made invites to guys we thought were cute. We would go right up to them, introduce ourselves, and explain we were throwing this very lavish party. We told them we had invinted a ton of girls and we needed more men. Kim and I thought no one would show up to the party and it would be a huge flop. Turns out, Kim's apartment was filled so tightly, no one could move. Half the basketball team came and so did half the football team. There were 3 girls there total- Kim, her roommate, and myself. The men sang "You've lost that loving feeling" when I explained it was Kim's birthday-one of our favorite songs.

The girl was definitely a party girl. Her nickname used to be Kim Catral and she definitly earned the title. She called me this evening- she's engaged to an English Rugby player and she's moving to the UK at the end of March. Kim said I'm the first to know and asked me to be in the wedding. I' m so excited for her and the man she is marrying is extremely good looking. However, there is part of me that is so sad this evening. I was too young to appreciate the amazing times I had with Kim. We had so much fun together- and yet the whole time I was there, I just kept trying to speed up our time. I was so fixated on proving I was smart that I became obsessed with Acing every class. I missed a lot of opportunites to enjoy my life up there. I wanted to graduate so I could make something of myself. Funny how life works out. She's getting married and I'm the single one, still in school. God definitely works in some very mysterious ways.

Time to work on naming Voss's new energy drink.


"All of us get lost in the darkness, dreamers learn to steer by the stars" Bob Dylan

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Departed, one very strange evening, and one annoying rental car

I was dragged to "Departed" on Saturday night. I was so not interested in seeing this movie (i secretly thought it was the other Leo movie) but I absolutely loved it! It has everything a movie should have- the Mafia, good fighting scenes, one hot romantic love scene, and one very cool Jack. Jack Nickelson is not an attractive man to say the least. His face is so wrinkled and he has put on a ton of weight. But my God if that man is not the coolest person living on the planet! The entire movie he acts and looks such a slob- I tried to hate him but I couldn't help but root for him. I am also a HUGE hater of Leo. To this day I have never seen Titanic because I can not stand Leo. But he was awesome in this. If he doesn't get the Oscar then I will be convince "the academy" is made up of a bunch of stupid fools. See the movie- extremely well written, shocking ending, and one very cool Jack.

Jeremy Piven was in town Thursday night. I am so pissed because he ate at my new fav restaurant- Trois. My best friend and I almost went there for drinks. As my luck would have it, we decided not to go out. I have a huge crush on Ari and would have expected Jeremy to act just like his entourage character. I imagine if I saw him at the bar I would make sure he would talk to me, but then try to play hard to get. We(as in my best friend and I) are pretty good friends with the bartenders so I am sure they would have helped out the situation. Someone in the restaurant passed by and yelled, "hug it out,bitch!" My favorite line from that show is, " First let me start off by saying, fuck you." I hear his voice in my head right now- so funny.

Friday night I went out with the girls. We headed into the Highlands and ran into some of our boys, Ben, Ben's roommate, Joe. One of my other new guy friends came out as well- "Trent." Why must boys use pick up lines? I'm not saying, I'm just saying. Do pickup lines actually work on some girls? I fell for a pickup line once. It was my sophomore year in high school and I was dating a very cute quarter back. We are outside and Justin says, "Wow, look how much it snowed. If I weren't dating you I would have thought there could be nothing more beautiful." Even writing the line makes me want to gag! I was 15, I didn't know any better. He said it in hopes we would make out. Why cant people just say what they mean and mean what they say?

Friday was fun/interesting getting to know Trent some more. Trent is very good looking- not hot, but cute. I kinda got the feeling that although he's into me, hes just wanting to one thing. I know all guys want sex- some guys just want sex without everything else. Not that I'm totally out for everything else- I'm just saying. Trent kept buying me shots- so naturally I gave them all to one of Ben's very tall friends. The friend would see them again before the evening was over- they landed nicely inside of Becca's car. Word to the wise- never drive fast over speed bumps when passengers are nearly passed out.

I saw Joe twice that evening. The first time I saw him for a minute. The second time I saw him for just a minute...but we shared a nice moment- a flash back from the second quarter's party earlier this year. So adorable. I tried to tell him all these funny pickup lines that were being fed to me, but then Trent barged into the conversation. I ran to the ladies room and when I came out, Joe had suddenly left. Sad

Chrisse told Ben we were trying to avoid PC people. Harsh...and random. But Ben seemed to laugh it off. After a couple of drinks, everyone was laughing and enjoying everyone's company. We (and by "we" I mean Joe, Becca, Ben, Jimmy, Ty, Becca's BF, and Chrisse) all agreed to go down to Savannah for St. Patrick's day. Everyone was drinking when they agreed to go- so Ill don't know if it will actually happen. But I really hope it does. It'll be a very scandalous weekend- but anything exciting usually is.
Today I had to hand over my brand new Honda to the body shop (due to the stupid Canadian and his large semi that damage the bumper). This rail looking blond girl from Enterprise picks me up in a white pickup truck. She brings me back to the lot so I can fill out a couple of papers. I tell her in a very clear voice, "If it is not too much trouble I would like to have the smallest car on the lot." The bitch looks up from her computer and gives me one of those fake laughs and smiles. She then picks up the keys to the truck and says, "yea, this is all we have on the lot for you right now." What the hell? I have never driven anything bigger than a Honda and now I am getting forced to drive in this cowboy machine thing? First of all, I know it's superficial, but I hate pickup trucks. I hate them! I think of good old boys, and tobacco chewing thugs, and Marlboro reds when I think of pickup trucks. There is nothing feminine at all about pickup trucks. Even all that aside, I have never driven anything smaller than my Honda and they expect me to drive a truck? My friend Courtney asked me to drive her SUV after clubbing one night. She drank half a dozen Jim Beans and Diets and apparently lost sight that it was me who would be driving her car. I totally took up 2 lanes and almost took out a street lamp attempting to get us home. Me driving the pickup truck was not going to happen. Naturally, they put me in the next loudest and ugliest car on the lot- a hot fire red Pontiac Grand Dam. My head barely sees over the dashboard and there is so much polyester inside the car that I feel like it's 1975 all over again!

Off to bed for 4 hours
I really hate Mondays


"All of us get lost in the darkness, dreamers learn to steer by the stars" Bob Dylan

Monday, January 22, 2007

The best story E V E R!

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Not much to say...

I just felt like writing. The weekend was uneventful- but it's nice to have those once in a while. I got sick on Saturday so I ended up not going to a PC party. I hate it when that happens- I always feel left out, like I am going to miss something so funny and then I'll always be on the out looking inside.

I wanted to go because there are a couple of people I was hoping to get to know a little bit better. The groups have kinda been splitting apart and I have enjoyed mingling with the upper quarter peeps. There is one new group in particular that I am beginning to get to know more. Makes me feel like I belong more to PC. Last quarter I really did not feel like I fit in at all. There is one boy in my quarter that I have developed a crush on and I was hoping i would see him on Saturday. Oh well- there's always Thursday to look forward to.

What about that Patriots/Colts game tonight?!!? Awesome! That was such a great, great game! If only they could all be that exciting. Way to go, Manning! I personally am sick of Brady getting all the attention. Nice to see someone else finally take him down. I thought it was so sweet that with 5 minutes left on the clock, the camera got a shot of Manning praying.

Tonight I went to Wolf Gang Puck's for dinner. As I am waiting for my dinner to arrive, a young and good looking couple sat down on my right. I looked over and watched the couple hold hands, lower their head, and pray together. I started tearing up. I don't why- just out of nowhere I began to feel hot tears roll down my cheek. I hate how sensitive I am- makes me feel like a punk bitch.

So great news! Rudy is running! I love that man! I hope Hillary is getting scared. She is in for a very tough race. Other great news, they have come up with advanced technology that allows intense sonogram images. These images are amazing! I am watching the images on Fox right now. You can see the whole child's distant face characteristics and witness what the child is doing in the womb. Gives a whole new outlook on abortions and prolife if this sonogram becomes more advanced.

Off to bed for a wonderful 4 hours of sleep.

I hate Mondays


"All of us get lost in the darkness, dreamers learn to steer by the stars" Bob Dylan

Friday, January 19, 2007

So what exactly does "sell out" look like?

When Guns N' Roses traded in their tight, painted on leather pants, smashed guitars, and their, "fuck you" persona for a back pack full of scuba gear, they turned from awesome to "has beens" over night. Thanks to Nirvana, they were desperately trying to regain lost fans by showing off their sensitive sides. They filmed what would later be called, their last music video with Axil Rose swimming in a sea of Dolphins. The video was so lame that Guns N' Roses fell apart leaving Axil to deteriorate, go crazy with plastic surgery, and eventually end up looking like Carrot Top's identical twin.

In the same light, Sweat Shop male whore, Isaac Mizrahi, used to be what Versace is today. And then he spit in the fashion industry's face by selling out to Target. Haute Couture is supposed to be unaffordable. Anyone that knows anything about fashion knows that true fashionable people, people that totally understand fabrics, and colors, the basic beauty and art, and the overall physiology fashion holds over a person and a society is extremely intelligent. Isaaac did the unforgivable by selling away his soul. And Target took that cheap soul, auctioned if off to Liz Claiborne, and now Liz will be carrying the cheap ass's flimsy, sweat shop designs. Next Stop for him is Sears, I am sure.

But the worst sell out of them all is one that takes me by surprise. I never saw it coming until a couple months before. It makes sense why they would sell out really- none of them had anything else going for them. But isn't it better to leave a party with people wanting more ? Who ever wants to be the very last to leave a party?

Carrie Bradshaw, that's who. This poster is pathetic. It's not pretty at all. Not one bit. Why couldn't they do something more like these 3?

These are gorgeous! HBO is trying to tell me they couldn't come up with anything better than the poster that have right now? Maybe that should have been the first clue that the movie is nothing but a sell out. It's past it's time. But no, at the end of the day, for most people, the big paycheck wins out. Sad. I never thought anything bad could happen to Sex. Tonight, I'm sadly, sadly mistaken.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

I said goodbye to Sylvia... so why am I still pulling the all nighters?

I just have so much energy right now! Photography 9 am is so going to hurt tomorrow. Ty, Chrissie, and myself went to this advertising round table this evening. It was so motivating. They had some highly Sr. level executives in the room talking about the industry and what Atlanta needs to do to step up it's game. They also kept talking about PC and Creative Circus and how kick ass we are. The guest speakers were indulging the entire room with gold advice, like, " you need to really invest time checking out these PC and CC kids- they are the most talented and we need to keep them here in Atlanta." Damn right they do! How awesome is that? I just want to start! I'm itching to get out there and bust my ass! 70 hour work weeks? Piece of cake. Hello? I took Sylvia.

Tonight, I am sitting across from Ty and I started thinking. I really love him. He's so awesome. I'm talking about old school Madonna, black Michael, Sex and the City awesome. I am so much better because of him and I wonder how in the world we ever lived apart. Crazy how one person can do that to you in such a small amount of time.

Off to steal music!

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

I would do anything for love - Dr Pepper ad

I love this commercial- even more than the Target commercial.

Monday, January 15, 2007

Gloden Globes and everything in between

Sher and I in New York City

Why is it that the world seems to be so obsessed with celebrities? I try to tell myself I don't care about them. I hate that I know so much about them. The fact of the matter is I get caught up in their moments. I like the idea of it all- everyone dressed up all the time, looking beautiful, everyone fitting in. I love Perez because he points out their flaws and then I remember they aren't perfect. I always forget they aren't perfect.

I have a huge crush on Huey Lory- the actor from House. He just won for best actor and his acceptance speech was extremely charming. The British accent does it for me every time.

I also have a huge crush on Jeremy Piven. Correction, on Ari - all male, very smart (and funny) hard worker, a little bit crazy, loves to travel, and very nice good looking. Who wouldn't love him?

School has been going ok. Everyone kinda has been doing their own thing lately. I wish someone taped the first quarter party- I would like to go back and watch some of those sweet, but fake moments again. Isn't that funny how alcohol does that to people? At the party, everyone was super sweet, social, and everyone just seemed to enjoy each other's company. At school some of the designers seems so cocky and act like assholes. Why cant people act more like they do when they are drinking? People are more passionate, more loving. Now I know there are tons of side effects with drinking, but no one ever talks about the good drinking brings. Just a thought that I had today.

Off to watch Jay...

"All of us get lost in the darkness, dreamers learn to steer by the stars" Bob Dylan

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Totally Zugging

In between sulking about the Clermont Lounge and the absence of Tat, I discovered something brilliant today at work. As I was flipping through this month's GQ, (the one with a very old looking George Clooney on the cover) I discovered an ad for the new Mini called "ZIG. ZAG. ZUG." . It is a tiny little pull out book ad, a brand book if you will, and assuming it was again from the masterminds in Boulder, I read it front to end.

The writing is so simple yet so perfect. The ad is actually from a California-based advertising agency called Butler, Shine, Stern & Partners and this evening, I am so inspired. The booklet entitled the "Book of ZUG" neatly summarizes remarkability, while introducing Mini Cooper's new vehicle.

ZUG [zUHg] - adjective, verb, noun.
1. To be unlike others.
2. To do something different.
3. A place in Switzerland.

On the page edge, they've also printed statements that further define, ZUG... on this page:

"ZUG is unapologetically unapologetic."

What's also clever is a word like ZUG is pretty uncommon. It is a town in Switzerland. Do a Google search for "zug -switzerland" and Mini Cooper will be able to easily track how/if the word begins to enter our everyday language.

While the word "ZUG" probably won't become part of my lexicon, the definitions provided in the book will. Here are more quotes from the ad booklet. Each is a gem.

We live in a world of mass-produced sameness.
Originality has fallen prey to predictability.
the status quo has become the status quo.
And even the copies have been copied.

Which is why some of us ZUG.

ZUG follows unconventional wisdom.

ZUG is the belief that there is still so much to be discovered. It is the feeling that we are the first, last and best version of ourselves that there will ever be.

ZUG likes when something weird happens.

ZUG is about moving confidently in our own direction, with no apologies. And ZUG is about going that way in style.

ZUG will try anything once.

(Here's the part where they loop in their vehicle.)

The Mini Clubman is ZUG.

It looks odd. It runs on irregular. It is the brown sheep of the family. It may not be right for you. Then again, you may not be right for it.

(Instead of the mainstream, they say it is "Fringestream".)

The Road of ZUG.
ZUG isn't necessarily good or bad. It just is. It's the oddball member of an already slightly eccentric family.

ZUG makes it up as it goes.

Maybe you're ZUG.
Maybe you're not. In the end it doesn't matter much, because there's plenty of room on the road for everybody.

ZUG says you can sleep later.

So now Mini Coopers offers their standard MINI as ZIG. The convertible Mini as ZAG. and the new Clubman as ZUG.

Love, love, love this piece. Totally inspired! I cant wait until I finally have a job.


Thursday, January 11, 2007

Blow successfully

With only a year left of school, I am getting antsy for a real job. Although I am highly grateful for the salon, I am so sick of lame hourly jobs without any benefits or perks. However, the whole job interview process makes me nervous. In essence, you are stuck in a room for about 15-30 minutes just selling yourself to a person higher on the food chain. It's basically a huge dog and pony show just to win a chance to bust your ass for pocket change every 2 weeks. I cant wait. To help out my fellow friends who may be in the same boat as me, I have posted a list of things not to say when interviewing.

1. " Does your health plan cover abortion? If so, can I start today? "
2. "Is Jesus considered a personal reference?"
3. When I get nervous, I like to picture the other person naked, with their junk in my mouth."
4." I dont like to brag about competitive offers-let's just say I've had some interest from a company that rhymes with Fluger Cling."
5. "my motto: Work hard, Play hard- or as the Nazis say, Arbeit macht frei."
5. (winking) Why I have no idea how that $5.00 bill just appeared on your desk
6. " My work ethic is so strong, it's practically Asian."
7. " Where I come from, that kind of question will get you shot.
8. Think of me as the Hamburger Helper to your skillet of ground workload.
9. "What the hell is this Microsoft Word everyone keeps talking about?"
10. Do me a kindness and scratch beneath my carpal tunnel splints."
11. Do you have a speakerphone? My Lawyer would like to be involved."
12. "If I smell like Cheez-Its, it's just because I love them so freakin' much!"
13. (winking) Why I have no idea how that $5.00 bill just appeared on your desk."
14. "Sorry I'm late. I could have sworn you said San Fran."
15. Mind if I bunk here till i straighten my housing situation out?"
16. "WOuld it be possible if you could pay me in cash? I am kinda laying low right now."
17. It doesnt matter where I'd be in 5 years because aliens will have inseminated us all by then, right?
18. Funny, everyone who reads my resume always hones right in on the manslaughter.
19, I really look forward to abandoning my dream at your corporation,
20. Let's just cut to the chase: Who and Where is the office slut?
21. My E-meter readings are on the back,
22. Is that a picture of your family? Man, your wife's uterus much be totally blown out!"
23. I guess you can say I am a professional whistle-blower.
24. Im not big on couches. Can I cop a squat?
25. (Answering cell) "Sorry, I gotta grab this. Could be my rabbi.
26 Why yes, it is a fake beard.
27. If you Google me, just be warned that there's a sexual predator who happens to share my name and Facebook page.
28. Allow me to answer that with a tambourine solo.
29. Does the Dyke tattoo on my forehead conform to your dress code?
30. Wow. THis Valium just kicked in.
31. I just need to make enough money not to hate myself for selling out.
32. The crabs rangoon are for both of us, you know.
33. Is that sore on my forehead still running?
34. Youre not going to make me take one of those fucking anger management seminars are you?
35. Is this a Christian workplace or am I going to have my work cut out for me?
36. I have one word for you: Mensa."
37. i'd like to apologize for all the future projectile vomiting you're about to experience.
38. I dont have a last name of address for my last boss but I do have his beeper number.
39. Got $3.00? Ill hit you back when you hire me."
40. I'll take this cap off when the Cubbies when the Series and not a day sooner.
41/ When I said a retard could do this job, of course I mean a highly functioning retard."
42. So what kind of company is Apple?"
43. My qualifications? Isnt that one of those prejudiced questions youre not allowed to ask?
44. If the preparation instructions for Hot Pocket count as my favorite book, then yes, I have a favorite book."
45. To be quite honest, as soon as I earn enough money for calf implants, I am gone."
46. My ideal supervisor would be a surrogate for the mommy who never had time for me."
47. Under 'education' can I just put "the streets'"?
48. I think I am a real team player- just as long as no one touches my hair."
49. If I could be any historical figure? Skeletor."
50. I have one more special skill not listed on my resume, if you'll just draw the curtains..."

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Love, love love this

When I first heard Russell Crowe read this during the Super Bowl Sunday past, I thought it was so inspiring. I love the writing in this and think the whole message is beautiful. Thoughts?


Chris Rock - It's Hard To Defend Rap Music

A couple of weeks ago, Becca, Ty, and myself got into a disuccssion about rap music. I found this clip and it reminded me of our conversation. It's funny becuase it's true.

Friday, January 05, 2007

No Clue What Happened

I went to write a blog a week ago only to discover blogger deleted my profile. I have no clue how it happened. I was forced to start over and pick a new blog name. I tried to use the same name as before, only blogger kept saying the name was already taken. So odd, I know. Getting a new name has been like getting a new cell phone number; no one knows my new name and informing everyone is just so cumbersome. Once again I ask myself, how does these things always seem to happen to me?

School has begun and I am really excited about this quarter. It's nice not feeling like a freshman again. Some of the kids from my class are acting rather peculiar though. For example, this one guy has been having the worst mood swings. Grant it, he is like a dog in heat right now but still. It's so strange- we just had 2 weeks off. Why is everyone feeling so stressed out and over tired so far?

A nasty little semi hit my car over break. I was stuck on 285 belching loudly to "Lucky." All of a sudden, in the middle of, "Isn't she lucky, this Hollywood girl..." I hear a loud crunch, crunch, crunch. My car started to shake a little and I turn to my left. I see this gicantic red creature trying to get as far away from me as possible. I rolled down my window and began yelling at the driver. "Hey! You hit my car!!!!" The Candian refused to look at me. I honked atleast a zillion times. The Candian fled the scene. Brittany Spears is always causing some sort of trouble whenever she is around. I should have known. How is it that I am sitting in traffic minding my own business and I still manage to get myself into trouble? Sometimes all I can do is laugh.

"All of us get lost in the darkness, dreamers learn to steer by the stars" Bob Dylan