Sunday, April 15, 2007

And so it goes...

It’s studio week, roughly 11:30 on a Saturday evening. Ty has just come back to school after finishing another grueling day at work. I don’t quite know what he does at Target, however I can just imagine him humming endless hours to himself as he carefully displays the latest collection from “sell out” Isaac Mizrahi. I am freaking out for the about the third time today. Noah asked me to write copy for his Kurt Vonnegut project and I want to impress him. Although my concepts are creative, I can’t quite get the correct wording. Just 15 minutes earlier Ty assured me that “we” would make it perfect. Ty is so good like that, helping me when he himself has his own work to complete. We are trying to come up with different ways to advertise a dark beer using one of Kurt's favorite ponders, “What is the purpose of life?”

2 weeks prior to studio week I hardly knew anything about Mr. Vonnegut, a man, who in my opinion, shares similar physical features to that of an old Mark Twain. Once Noah asked me to write copy for his project, I tried to read as much as I could by Kurt in the little of time I had. I analyzed everything from his short stories to Slaughter-House Five. I immediately fell in love with Kurt’s extremely dry sense of humor, a talent very few people can pull off. I also made Ty read the same stuff (just so he wouldn’t try to get out of helping me).

So, here we are on Saturday evening trying to write something very Kurtish and whimsical. We work for about an hour laughing continuously. There is a designer in the lab who is trying to give us some ideas but they are absolutely awful, to say the least. He suggested we answer, “What is the purpose of life” by saying, “To find a good beer… and a girl who you drop off at 3 in the morning.” Yes, I realize that makes absolutely no sense at all but for some reason the designer thought it was pure genius. (We now understand why the designer changed his focus from writing to design). Finally, Ty and I come up with the perfect copy. It sounds awesome. One month later, the project even manages to find its way into the front case at school.

A couple days ago Mr. Kurt Vonnegut died. I don’t really know what to call the event, it’s not ironical, it’s not a coincidence, it just is what it is. I’m very sorry to see him pass. He was an extremely interesting and philosophical man. Through Kurt's profound words of wisdom, Ty and I became even closer with one another. Every time I think of Mr. Vonnegut I will now think of my Ty. It’s just one of the many reasons why Kurt has become one of my favorite authors of all time.
