Sunday, August 13, 2006

Did someone say lovely?

With studio week fast approaching, I can pretty much say goodbye to sleep for the next 2 weeks. Last night I stayed up until 4am and then took a 2 hour nap. Needless to say this morning was so rough not even Starbucks could help. As I was driving into work with half-opened eyes, Tempted by the Fruit came on the radio. Instantly, flashes of a very old Gap commercial swam through my head. As soon as I got to my desk, I went straight to YouTube. Funny how one very good looking Italian man can wake me right up. Now why cant there be more men that look like him? I think I am in love.

A little side note: why dont more actresses date models like Raoul? Actresses have a catalogue of men to choose from and yet a majority seem to complain they cant find anyone to date. Jennifer Anniston is on the cover of US claiming she is all alone and lonely. Hello! Roul is single! She needs to tell her agent to hook it up. Dear God, I should really start doing PR of some sort.