Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Comedy Hour with 2 men named Dave

I remember sitting in Emotive Writing when Tania read a story about a man finding poop in a foreign toilet. At first I was extremely disgusted. I am not a big fan of the toilet talk. Sex talk, yes. Ebarrassing bodily functions, not so much. A couple months down the road, I found and purchased a penny book on Amazon. I didn’t know anything about the author but the reviews sounded great. A week later, Me Talk Pretty One Day came in the mail and instantly became obsessed with David Sedaris. When I discovered Tania took the poop story from this very book, I reread it and to my surprise actually found it quite amusing the second time around. David has a way with words that would make any writer envious. He writes so simple yet his stories are always engaging and always entertaining. Comic genius.

For the last couple of weeks Ive been struggling to keep my spirits up. Something mean recently happened to me and it’s just been hard to swallow. I’ve had no motivation to blog or to be around anyone because I’ve been consumed with all these negative thoughts swimming in my head. My best friend, knowing how much I love Sedaris, sent me some of his sound clips this evening. I instantly feel a million times more inspired. I am seeing him perform live in October. Can’t wait!

I posted 3 David Sedaris readings below. I highly recommended reading Me Talk Pretty One Day. Easily, one of the funniest books ever written.

Also, I added 3 Dave Chappelle jokes to the playlist. He’s an exceptional storyteller as well.

Hope u like
