Sunday, March 11, 2007

What I have learned from finals

1. We never entirely leave high school. Our days of gossiping in the halls and trying desperately to fit into the cool crowd will haunt us for the rest of our lives. There will always be the popular quarterback, the flirty cheerleader, the nerdy kid, and the weirdass everyone keeps around just for comic relief. There is no escaping it- might as well as sit back and enjoy the ride- it will definitely be a long one.

2. Its never good to start liking someone when finals approach. Its bad enough stressing over final projects. Add analyzing the extent of a new relationship lurking around the corner-it will definitely make anyone go crazy. Although, I must admit, developing a crush on someone is the best feeling in the world. Between those agonizing and self doubt moments of, does he really like me?” lie some wonderful feelings that attack the heart so much you thank God for being alive. Not that I would know such feelings. Im not saying, im just saying.

3. Which brings me to my next lesson- be careful of who u tell what to. Recently, someone who I thought was trustworthy repeated something I said out of context. Not cool.

4. I really hate Corporate America but I do enjoy paying my bills with it’s checks. Too bad I haven’t gotten one in a while.

5. So not good at playing the game when i like someone- which is why I rarely find myself in these situations.

Bring on 3rd quarter- looking forward to all the trouble i am about to get myself into to.


"All of us get lost in the darkness, dreamers learn to steer by the stars" Bob Dylan