Monday, February 05, 2007

So blah today

M weekend was so great. I spent the majority of the weekend with the PC crowd. The more I hang out with them, the more I love them- well most of them that is. Thursday night we all headed over to Halo. Kinda of a mellow scene but I was amongst good company. Mike met my fab PC friends and everyone totally hit it off. I love that. Nothing too exciting happened there- however I did have a bottle of water fall on my foot. Some glass got into my ankle and some blood was shed- typical mer evening.

Friday, my better half, Ty assisted me in a photo shoot. Joe's artistic face was my subject. It was a little intimidating to work a camera around him- not going to lie. Both the boys were such a huge help though. For my first time attempting to take a professional picture I think I did aright.

Friday night- I went over to Becca's to get ready. We went out to CJs, which I hate, but it actually become more exciting as the night progressed. Somewhere between walking upstairs and grabbing my coat to leave, I got lost in the crowd and thrown into unexpected chaos. It definitely gave me a nice little rush for a minute. I need to look for those moments more. I miss them.

talk later