Friday, July 06, 2007

A very tipsey holiday

Why is it that as we grow older, we also become more high maintenance? We are choosier about who we associate with, obsessed with appearance, and sometimes try to pretend we are something we are not. And yet, it takes a lot to satisfy us adults, whereas children are happy the majority of the time. Think about it- as a child you don’t care if your friends are white, black, fat, thin. All you care about is if they can make you laugh and if they are fun to be around. It is not until someone (usually older) advises to stay away from “so-and so” because either they are bad or poor or not popular enough that we began to judge our friends more closely. Although we grow more mature the older we become, is maturity always better? Children are so fearless, rather it’s climbing the highest monkey bars without anticipation, without worry they might fall and scrape their knees, or picking up a nasty bug on the playground, or dance in public until their heart is contact. As adults, we become weary of taking such risks, choose the safe, reliable road instead of the more cautious yet perhaps more fun one. We, (and by “we” I mean “I”)become shy and timid to talk to strangers unless alcohol is involved. I for one have built myself many walls because I am scared of rejection and being judged, so to speak. But, who cares about growing wiser and more mature if maturity only leaves behind a lifetime of fear?

2 days ago, of the copywriters joined fellow PC students in celebrating Independence Day. At first I was a little timid in leaving my comfort zone and mingling with the designers. At school, typically designers hang with designers, copywriters hang with copywriters, and illustrators hang with illustrators. Funny how 2 empty kegs later everyone acts like best friends. Why can’t everyone just be cool all the time? I know for me, I have had so much tragedy happen in my life that I choose to personify a party girl image, keeping the most private and intimate moments to myself and a very select few. Life experiences have taught me to keep my distance from the majority of people and not to let people in to the “real” me. I know it’s sad but such is life. This evening I know I’ll go to school and I am sure I’ll by shy to say hello to some people I was cool with yesterday. We probably won’t talk again until the next party, when everyone is all boozed up again. It’s kinda funny in a messed up way. It makes me think of a very famous quote said by a very famous, wise man, “Alcohol, the cause and solution to all of life's problems”. Touche.