Monday, July 23, 2007

The world is filled with stupid people

8 unfortunately placed ads

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Dont mess with Karma

When my best friend suggested we watch Unfaithful the night it was released, I couldn’t be more excited. It had everything I wanted in a movie- Diane Lane, who in my opinion, is the epitome of classiness, Richard Gere, whose been one of my favorite leading men ever since his Pretty Woman days, and one very beautiful Oliver Martinez. Sitting in the packed theater, sandwiched in between my best friend and a very large, overweight man who spilled into my seat, I was completely uncomfortable. I think it was the moment when a very distraught Richard Gere bashed Oliver’s head in with a snow globe that I officially checked out. However, America went crazy over the flick and gave out Oscars nominations for Best Film, Actor and Actress. That is the funny thing about our country- we love good drama, especially when it comes to the matter of the broken heart. This country was built upon scandals and we live for them. I think we can all easily remember the day Jen and Brad broke up. It was the same week the war started but people were way more invested in Brad dumping Jenn.

2 nights ago, while concepting Audi ads, Unfaithful came on TNT. Drunk with insomnia, I attempted to watch the movie again. Right in the middle of Oliver's brains spewing all over his beautiful brownstone, a friend from college called to inform me she's getting a divorce only after 3 years of marriage. Apparently, her husband has a wandering eye, an eye that has been wondering off to another man since early last year. Sure there were signs that Paul was not completely straight but everyone just figured he was trying to be metrosexual . He grew up Baptist and in attempt to please his parents he married Jenn, a very blond, very southern girl. Now poor thing is left with a messy divorce and a 2 year old, unhousebroken baby. Crazy how screwed up relationships can get. In one minute everything seems normal and wonderful; the next minute the world comes crashing down. Instead of, Till Death..., it should be Till Divorce, when the money has all been spent and you leave me for someone much younger and richer. I know I sound cynical and I shouldnt really. I have never had a bad breakup, I am friends with all my exes, and I have only been mistreated badly once. Also, my parents were madly in love even after 35 years of marriage and would have been going strong had it not been for Mr. Reaper escorting my father off to another party. So, I should believe in love forever but I suppose it's hard when I myself get so bored so easily and I see so many relationships around me fail. Really, I think I am just waiting till someone can prove me wrong with this whole love and marriage thing. Hopefully, if I do get married, it will last till death. And if it doesnt, I'll have a nice stash of snow globes waiting- never know when I just might need to shake things up.



Tuesday, July 17, 2007

All I Really Need To Know I Learned from Blog

Corporate America may have some advantages- free health care, free weekends, decent paychecks, but for the most part, working for Her is execrable. I dread coming to work every morning, knowing that while I am here I am dying of boredom. Thank God for the Internet and the ability to Google away some of my lassitude. Over the course of 5 years, I have done some intensive web-searching in hopes of finding anything more stimulating and more entertaining than calling on existing IBM clients. I have compiled a list of 5 of the best blogs that I think are worth taking a look at.

1. The Stone's Colossal Dream ( Tania is one of the most talented writers ever. Her blog is nothing short of stellar. Extremely funny, always entertaining, and always brilliantly written.

2. Augusten's Blog ( After reading Running with Scissors I became obsessed with Augusten Burroughs. He has a David Sedaris quality about him, very dry sense of humor in a very engaging manner. Augusten does not always update his blog in a timely manner, however it is worth the wait. Rather he is mocking the advertising world, dishing out his manic love life, or reminiscing on his alcoholic days as a successful copywriter, Augusten's work is always captivating.

3. Design Sponge ( Such a fun site dedicated solely to design. Rather you're a fashion lover, a design lover, a trendsetter, or an art lover, this site offers many must see pages. There are plenty of things to look at and even a chance to win a scholarship. A must see for anyone passionate about design (or anyone who just likes to look at pretty things)
4. Snark Hunting ( A creative, branding blog. Stuck on a name for a new product? This blog even helps with that. A lot of great resources for creative folks.

4.5. AdGoodness ( Ads from all over the world. Even tells what agencies came up with the ads.

5. Confessional Highway ( Deezee always delivers really funny essays on life and is a very smart, entertaining writer. I have been a fan of this blog since May 2006 and followed Deezee through crazy holiday stories, classic relationship struggles, and the constant search in the meaning of life. This blog is almost as good as Tonia's :)
Happy blogging!


Friday, July 06, 2007

A very tipsey holiday

Why is it that as we grow older, we also become more high maintenance? We are choosier about who we associate with, obsessed with appearance, and sometimes try to pretend we are something we are not. And yet, it takes a lot to satisfy us adults, whereas children are happy the majority of the time. Think about it- as a child you don’t care if your friends are white, black, fat, thin. All you care about is if they can make you laugh and if they are fun to be around. It is not until someone (usually older) advises to stay away from “so-and so” because either they are bad or poor or not popular enough that we began to judge our friends more closely. Although we grow more mature the older we become, is maturity always better? Children are so fearless, rather it’s climbing the highest monkey bars without anticipation, without worry they might fall and scrape their knees, or picking up a nasty bug on the playground, or dance in public until their heart is contact. As adults, we become weary of taking such risks, choose the safe, reliable road instead of the more cautious yet perhaps more fun one. We, (and by “we” I mean “I”)become shy and timid to talk to strangers unless alcohol is involved. I for one have built myself many walls because I am scared of rejection and being judged, so to speak. But, who cares about growing wiser and more mature if maturity only leaves behind a lifetime of fear?

2 days ago, of the copywriters joined fellow PC students in celebrating Independence Day. At first I was a little timid in leaving my comfort zone and mingling with the designers. At school, typically designers hang with designers, copywriters hang with copywriters, and illustrators hang with illustrators. Funny how 2 empty kegs later everyone acts like best friends. Why can’t everyone just be cool all the time? I know for me, I have had so much tragedy happen in my life that I choose to personify a party girl image, keeping the most private and intimate moments to myself and a very select few. Life experiences have taught me to keep my distance from the majority of people and not to let people in to the “real” me. I know it’s sad but such is life. This evening I know I’ll go to school and I am sure I’ll by shy to say hello to some people I was cool with yesterday. We probably won’t talk again until the next party, when everyone is all boozed up again. It’s kinda funny in a messed up way. It makes me think of a very famous quote said by a very famous, wise man, “Alcohol, the cause and solution to all of life's problems”. Touche.

It's official!

The four women who spiced up Manhattan's singles scene for six years are def headed for a big-screen reunion after all. On Thursday, July 5, 2007, New Line Cinema, a corporate sibling of HBO sealed the final deal to finance and distribute the long-stalled picture. The project is set to begin shooting in the fall. Longtime series executive producer Michael Patrick King will direct the film from his own script and serve as producer, along with Parker and series creator Darren Star.

The movie presumably would arrive in theaters sometime next year.
Yea to Kim and Cynthia who couldn't find any other work and missed receiving a paycheck and therefore had no other choice but to make Sex into a movie!

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Very strange

So it's Monday morning and I am sitting in my Corporate America cube drinking Starbucks and reading the news when I come across shocking piece of information:

Bart Simpson will be getting naked in the new Simpson feature film. And by naked, we mean full frontal nudity. Bart’s bare essentials are cleverly concealed by strategically-placed props until a gap in some hedges reveals his naughty bits, as the Brits say. Simpson's creator Matt Groening spoke to the crowd and noted that he expects the brief cartoon nudity and certain digs at politics and religion to raise objections, but pointed out that part of the series’ appeal is its willingness to go out on those limbs and offend the easily offended.

If this were a normal film and a child actor (who is about 8 years old) showed his thing, the movie would not get a PG rating. Is it okay to look at little boy's boyhood just because it’s animated?

Hmmmmm. Something to think about.